
here is my button collection as well as my page for webrings i'm a part of! this page is NOT screenreader friendly, & the css is iffy on its best days and barely functional on mobile. bear with me.

> NOW PLAYING: On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz


hover over the buttons for a second to see little descriptions i wrote!

a button with a blue background and a line of three teeth! colortraks.net's button, which shows a multicolor VHS tape mostly black button with a blue magic design in the top left and bottom right corners. pale yellow text reads  static attic button with a blue background and a white cloud that reads'trinity' on it button for the site olliveen with rainbow text button for magneticdogz featuring a character with purple hair milo-html lokkju / thewolfden the site mutini, featuring a cat graphic melonland button Visit Melonking.Net! ribozone's site featuring a computer graphic spacebar neonriser scrolling text that reads silent suburbia in a fun style dimden 32bit cafe killing machine fairygore

here's a few more sites that either didn't have buttons for me to link to, or the button link broke.

SOCIALSKULLS - my good friend rigsy's site, though it's pretty empty right now.
LETTERBOXEZ - fantastically stitched together with a few different cool javascript features. i like the comic page a whole lot.
SWIFTYSHQ - fun quizzes and stuff. go into the hole.



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