
an ever-growing list of references for webmastery and ideally more later on.


i'm pretty sure anyone who's dabbled in html or css has come across w3schools, but i'm putting it here anyways. i've found it really helpful to feel out the different applications of html/css/js, and they have a few tutorials that are really helpful.

MDN web docs

w3schools is really good for broader applications, but i find myself using MDN web docs more for the nitty gritty. i can't count the amount of times i've looked at the image filters page.

kalechips guide to mobile compatibility

i think this one is a must-read for any webmaster-- it's pretty easy to fall into the idea that mobile compatibility is for schmucks, but it's pretty simple and worth the effort!

solaria's js cheats

a really great resource for beginning to learn javascript.

solaria's web accessibility guide

the main guide is pretty long (as is state on the page) but i strongly reccommend looking at the beginner guide at the very least, especially since a lot of neocities sites are a virtual hell for anyone with photosensitivity. i'm still working on making sure my site meets accessibility standards, but it's an effort we should all make :-)

the neocities rss guide

suuper helpful guide to setting up an rss feed.

open rss

rss feeds for any site or profile