> NOW PLAYING: Horsechestra by Homestuck


horses of the month

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these horses know how to have a fun time: by staring directly at some poor schmuck who's just trying to enjoy the sights and sounds of a beautiful meadow in the middle of fucking nowhere. you know, i don't interact with horses all that much in my day to day. it's like, the occasional observance of a horse when i travel long-distance, these reviews, and a lot of stupid jokes. my robotics team drove down to socal recently for a competition and holy shit there were so many horses. i actually saw one prancing around. horses always just fucking stand around like the ones in this picture, you know? i dont think they think very hard about things. they're very serious animals, to me. these horses want to make a business deal with you. they want you to invest in horsecoin. photo credit: bethany legg on unsplash.


this horse stands alone in a large, grassy field: as all horses should be. he has all this grass to eat, though no one to share it with. i'd say it's a tragic fate, but horses probably don't have feelings. (this is also a seriously gorgeous photo, so props to the photographer. shame the horse is in the way.) photo credit: michael sala on unsplash.


these three horses are trotting through a lovely clearing in a forest. this photo is really great because you can see all of the detailed gross musculature of these horses. and they're all making direct eye contact with you. i think these horses are fucking ableist. photo credit: gene devine on unsplash.


"hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" - these horses (shorter horse review this month. i hate january.) photo credit: vivian arcidiacono on unsplash.

december 2023

this horse is getting into the winter spirit! even with the snowy weather they are joyous. i always envy a horse. this month, there's no satirical bite to this review. this is a genuinely gorgeous horse, and i hope they have a wonderful winter day. happy holidays if you celebrate! photo credit: matthias koch on unsplash.

november 2023

this horse is perhaps lost in the forest that surrounds her. she seems pretty pretentious too, just look at how her hair is combed back. fancy fucking horse. gorgeous. the epitome of the modern horse made for equestrian riding. photo credit: jacques bopp on unsplash.

october 2023

why hello there, october horse. a spookier one for this month, this horse's bulging eye almost meets yours in a quite unsettling and bewitching way. this horse has a lovely black coat and is sweating like the fucking devil, which is apparently something horses do. concerning, honestly! photo credit: daniel bonilla on unsplash.

september 2023

this gorgeous horse just got a haircut and is excited to show you. she probably matches with her equestrian, who's probably named some classic name like anna. and the horse's name is maple, and they are best friends, and will prove it to you in an 100 page children's book which is part of a never ending series of content production with the same goddamn moral: the power of friendship and animals. photo credit: silje midtgård on unsplash.

august 2023

a white horse mid run in a position that can only be described as frolicking.

this horse knows how to have fun. it has a spring in its step and the largest, most disturbing eyes i've ever seen. this is the kind of horse that gets statues made of it. what a freak! photo credit: helena lopes on unsplash.

july 2023

a brown and white horse looking at the viewer, with his head slightly tilted to the side. wonk

this months horse looks at us with a certain twinkle in its eye. i'd like to think that this is the face that horses make when they are about to do something mischievous, such as take a massive dump or buck its rider off to their certain doom. photo credit: pieter van noorden on unsplash.

line of horses horse grazing in grass