Burke's Point News

or, your quick and easy way to get info on long gone legends on a monthly basis

What is this?

as its labelled, the burkes point news is a monthly newsletter that is ideally released on the 18th of every month. it'll contain a fictional snippet of monthly news about the town, some project updates, some dev sketches, and occasional comics. once long gone legends updates properly, itll also contain authors notes.

Where else can we find the info in the newsletter?

monthly updates are also posted on the tumblr longgonelegends, but everything else is exclusive to the newsletter. in the future, i may make an RSS mirror for it.

Sounds cool! How do I sign up?

just fill out the form at the bottom of this page! itll add you to the mailing list. this set up is completely manual so i may make mistakes- if the 20th passes and you haven't received any letter, please email me and i'll fix it right away. i'll also send you a confirmation email once ive added you to the list.

if you have any questions, please send them to me at tertiaryapocalypse[at]aol.com! thank you for your interest in my work :-)