
i've been doing art for a really long time-- i started doing digital artwork in middle school, and have continued since. originally i had wanted to go into art, specifically animation, as a career, but i fear burnout and a lack of a stable income source. i do, however, do commissions!

since i tend to have a more creative outlet of my special interests, a lot of my art work pertains to fandoms i've been in in the past (or present!). recently i've been more invested in my own original characters, as well.

i draw a lot, even if art's 'only' a hobby for me. improvement in my art is made in small increments, and i often don't have the persistence to do practices or exercises or whatever. i don't want to upload too much on here but you can find most of my work on my instagram!

> NOW PLAYING: Definitely Safe Forever by James Roach



a lot of the art i do is fanart, i will be very frank about that. my special interests play a very key role in my creativity!