
Mel Franz [he/they] Mel recently moved in with his mom to Burke's Point. He thinks the town is weird, but not ghost weird. Horror movie aficionado, amateur photographer, group driver.

Florence Seong-Kobayashi [he/it] Florence, more than anyone else, lives in Burke's Point. He's explored nearly every inch of the town, including the forest. It finds a home in the quiet places. Hobby artist, stress baker, seasoned explorer.

Jaime Perrault [he/she] For a very long time, Jaime defined himself by her academic ability. He's opening up again, making friends, being a teenager, and she couldn't be happier. 3 time chess club champion, aspiring botanist, extracurricular debater.

Cameron Seong-Baccay [they/she/haun] Cameron's probably just as weird as Burke's Point. This caused a lot of social isolation in grade school, but they were never too lonely. Cameron's now, as far as haun cares, one of the coolest kids in town! Collector of old comics, zombie enthusiast, death fangirl.

Lukah Hofwegen [he/him] Burke's Point's coolest nerd: Lukah Hofwegen. Lukah's convinced that there's something supernatural about Burke's Point and is determined to find out what. Mediocre gamer, robotics technician, amateur PROFESSIONAL ghost hunter.

Victor Holt [he/him] Victor exudes 'guy in a band' energy despite not being in one (though he hopes to change that.) He's a big nerd and 100% believes in ghosts, bigfoot, all that crap. 2 time lead actor, casual cosplayer, wannabe emo.
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